Capital Campaign

St.Francis Parish Solar Campaign

No matter how young or old, every one of us, as members of St. Francis Parish, has an important role in making our parish’s solar campaign a success. Your donation may be a large sum of money or the change you saved from the soda you chose not to buy, but every single donation is a step closer to the solar energy needed for our church.

Together, as a Catholic community, we will show the dedication we have to St.Francis Parish and its future.

Prayerfully consider your donation in accordance with your own means, circumstances, and sacrificial levels. Big things will happen when many small things come together.

“Not all of us can do great things.  But we can do small things with great love.”
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

St. Francis Parish commemorates over 100 years of a sacred commitment to establish and sustain the ministries and spirituality of its faithful community.  As we look to the future, St. Francis’s 2022 Solar Project will be the foundational piece that allows us to grow our ministries and strengthen our spirituality both now and in years to come.  The campaign will begin in September and conclude on December 31, 2022, with a goal of $520,000 to complete the project.

The purpose of the St. Francis Solar Project is to generate funds needed for solar power installation that will generate an energy-efficient environment throughout the property where local Catholic parishioners regularly experience and practice their faith through daily masses, ministerial meetings, special masses, social gatherings, county-wide events, and retreats; milestones in parishioners’ lives are marked by confirmations, baptisms, loss of loved ones, and weddings.

Solar installation will dramatically reduce the current cost for energy used year-round at St. Francis. The reduction in energy expense will, in turn, make monies available to address projects that can make an immediate impact on parish life such as increased ministries, preservation of our beautiful church and its heritage, expanded scope and support of existing ministries, maintenance of church grounds, and support for social ministries. All funds donated to the St. Francis Solar Project will remain at the church and be exclusively assigned to the solar project and its maintenance.